Mass impressions of E3 effect 3: 2011 - an action-RPG, with great production

Mass effect 3 will complete the mass effect trilogy.Previous presentations from mass effect 3 give rise to the presumption, BioWare would develop a third-person shooter. But the developers stress that the role playing game shares are still an important part of the game. Most likely, mass effect is comparable to 3 with the predecessor.
The Omni-blade is a General applies the new melee weapons in mass effect 3.: the latest installment which role-playing game series as much action as mass effect 2 PC games had the chance, 2011 attend a mass effect 3-presentation at E3. You showed us among other things the levels, the electronic arts already demonstrated at the press conference. As you looked, you can see the lower videos. Behind closed doors, a level still continued the presentation. That was very full of action and was packing staged. Shepard flees along with Anderson, both are attacked by ever-changing opponents. Including cannibals, but rather used as cannon fodder. Armed only with a pistol, Shepard delighted immediately a modern assault rifle. Thus, the advancing hordes of opponents are no problem.
In a side mission, Shepard to save a little boy, which however runs off before him. A race begins, and we help us numerous attacks. Again and again, the action is interrupted by great cutscenes in the game, which showed among other things a massive Reaper attack. At the end, Shepard is rescued Normandy from the while Anderson on the ground, to organize the resistance. The mission ends with a melancholy scene. Wounded are shown, with great music. Including the above mentioned boy. When people try to escape, with glides a Reaper appears however and destroyed the Schiffe… Sad.
Mass effect 3 is based on the game play of the second part. The action is in the foreground, role-playing elements back into the background. Electronic Arts emphasized that you have not removed the RPG elements, also if that makes the appearance in the previous presentations. How much truth behind it, must clarify itself yet. What to say but now can be: mass effect 3 makes a good impression, the story is finally completed and decisions of the previous parts as usual affect on the story of part 3.
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Mass effect 3: impressions of E3 2011 - to an action-RPG, with great production gallery "3: mass effect impressions of E3 2011 - an action-RPG, with great production"