Two worlds: The world of the miracle team takes over motion capturing [PC games 5 years ago]

PC games 5 years ago: two worlds to be a top role playing game in all aspects. Blockbuster obviously attaches great importance to the animations of all characters in the game. With this task the Publisher entrusted the renowned production team of the TV series: world of wonders.

PC games 5 years ago: the TV show the production Studio world of wonder makes the animations for two worlds. PC games 5 years ago: with two worlds blockbuster plans to conquer the throne of the role-playing game. For this work, the Publisher of the support of the world of the wonder crew has secured. The production Studio will start the animation of all characters in the game by using motion-capturing method. "By the sword fighting on the movements of the characters up to the blind horse numerous recording days including aufwendigster post processing are in the next few weeks", it says in the press release.
The graphical presentation of the successor of two worlds 2 is also beyond doubt. Developer reality sets in the game pump on a special motion capturing system, namely the XMS method. Thus, the movements in the game looks pretty fluid. Also the light and shadow effects, as well as the most textures are know to convince. This fall well short load times and moderate out the system requirements. Our detailed PC test garnered respectable 88 percentage points from two worlds 2 because of the excellent optics.
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