Warhammer 40 k: dark Millennium online - teaser trailer from E3 2011

Warhammer 40 k: dark Millennium online is the next online role playing game in the Warhammer 40 k-universe. THQ is represented with the MMOG at E3 in 2011 and has today released a new teaser trailer to do so. You should expect but not too much.
So far, it is only clear: Warhammer 40 k: dark Millennium online comes and cost lot of money in development. There's not a release date yet. To Warhammer 40 k: Dark Millennium online was there for the official unveiling last year still. There were a few snippets of info on the Gamescom 2010, then THQ shrouded the online role-playing game in the cloak of silence. E3 2011 you wanted to say apparently: "Hey, we also still alive!" To spread this message, the Publisher has published a teaser trailer that suggests you a few gameplay Sznene. These are covered with a filter and can be identified as such by difficult.
This year, THQ announced that the development of Warhammer 40 k: dark Millennium online will cost approximately $ 50 million. "If you want that a game like this is successful, the development budget in rises accordingly." "[Warhammer 40 k: dark Millennium online] can yield very high profits over a long period of 5 to 8 years and generate a significant amount of money", Paul Pucino, responsible for the finances at THQ announced. In how many paid subscribers, the Warhammer MMORPG is profitable, had not said Pucino.

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