Modern warfare 3 for battlefield 3: Determines the graphics engine of victory and defeat? -Quickpoll

There is no doubt that is call of duty: 3 by Activision modern warfare as its predecessor-shooter very well, if not even fantastic will sell. However, electronic arts have a role in this regard also has. As with battlefield 3, the Publisher also has a more than promising action game with dice in work, which will certainly diminish the one or two piece the great call of duty cake. Maybe, the first-person shooter takes a at the end even the shooter Crown.
Modern warfare 3 for battlefield 3: Victory and defeat determines the engine? Screenshots for battlefield 3 in the PC games picture gallery. The list of battlefield 3 and call of duty: modern warfare 3 features is always longer almost from day to day. In the course of 2011, E3 that starts next week in Los Angeles, be more content for both first-person shooter by the announced. Say: Variety in the gameplay is both at Infinity Ward (modern warfare 3) when capitalized also at dice (battlefield 3). This is ensured by including the extensive multi player parts. Frost byte engine 2.0 hears an advantage, the Development Studio dice already in the run-up to the games release uses against the competition, on the name. In battlefield 3, the graphics engine developed by dice ensures a real orgy of destruction. So pretty much everything on the screen in ruins may set player which comes them way. Call of duty: Modern warfare 3 out of the developer Infinity Ward also it cracks at each corner. In contrast to battlefield 3 take advantage of the leaders of Infinity Ward mainly pre-made scripts that spectacular set course of the game in the scene, which benefits the entire atmosphere of ego-shooter. Already with bad company 2, dice, however, proved that the frostbite engine, the graphics and physics engine of the current call of duty series is a step ahead. "Destruction" is the magic word, which is allow 3.0 players in battlefield 3 version, to have an influence on the gameplay, which in turn is not feasible in modern warfare 3 according to current knowledge, for example, due to a destroyed building.
One thing is already clear: end of the year, it is the ultimate battle between call of duty: modern warfare 3 and battlefield 3 type. Who wins in the end, that remains to be seen first time course. However, dice has an ACE up its sleeve, which could have a may significantly impact on the fight of the mega-shooter with his frostbite engine 2.0. Or what you believe? Uses the bottom of the comments for your answer, please. We are looking forward to your opinion! How impressive, both first-person shooter are set by the competent developers in scene, demonstrate the two below trailer that each action heart beat faster. Update: power your opinion using the comment function with the Quickpoll and founded!
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