Battlefield 3: E3 video with first multiplayer game scenes & Deathmatch mode announced

In the official E3 video for battlefield 3, first multiplayer game scenes are shown around a minute long. Which has announced the developer dice recently over the short message service Twitter. In addition he was confirmed by the Studio Team Deathmatch mode, as well as the co-op campaign for battlefield 3.
Battlefield 3: E3 trailer with first multiplayer game scenes & Deathmatch mode confirmed. To this year's E3 2011 in Los Angeles dice and EA with new material, as well as new information about the first-person shooter in the luggage. All screenshots for battlefield 3 in the PC games picture gallery. First multiplayer gameplay footage of battlefield 3 will be shown in an official E3 video, which announces dice on Twitter. The statement on the short message service of Roland Smedburg, video Director at the Development Studio dice, was however deleted - why whatever. In, the employees of these Studios has confirmed once again that we will soon enjoy game play scenes from the multimedia part of ego-shooters of publishers Elctronic arts. On the official battlefield blog the leaders have also said, that the campaign in the moving form, as well as brand new screenshots for battlefield 3 will be presented in addition to the multiplayer mode. New information about the multi player part are to be worn during the E3 2011 also to the public. The co-op campaign and the team Deathmatch mode of battlefield 3 confirmed now by dice are not shown on the other hand, is to read on the Web site of the Developer Studio.
Members of the media will also have the option allude to the multiplayer map named "Operation Metro", which is located in Paris on the ground in Los Angeles. As soon as there is to announce in this respect new details or E3 pictures and battlefield 3 E3 videos are available, we keep you here on of course on our corresponding topic page to the gaming Convention in Los Angeles. She reached it via the link in the text. The lower gameplay trailer for battlefield 3, which for about twelve minutes brings you gameplay footage from the single-player mode from the PC version provides you with a taste of moving the first-person shooter game scenes. The Twitter message by video director Roland Smedburg, it is placed into the multiplayer gameplay footage of battlefield 3, it reached by the official battlefield Forum of EA, in which a user has picked up the now removed the aforementioned short message service message.
On the next Monday, a press conference by the developers of dice, and for the first-person shooter of responsible Publisher takes place by the way. A live stream to the E3 press conference by EA entitled battlefield 3 begins at 21:30. To that date, it will be to see may already be fresh material to the game. We stay on the ball for you!
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