Duke Nukem Forever: Numerous scenes of ego-shooters in the video + community call

After the Duke Nukem Forever demo found numerous customers, the game now in the store is. And as it should be for a true successor, it is replete with numerous Easter eggs. PC games some imagine and asks for your assistance.
In Duke Nukem Forever, it must again be found numerous Easter eggs. Help with and complements our collection. No matter whether the Master Chief from Halo, the crowbar of half-life 2 or the companion cube from portal - in Duke Nukem Forever many games get off their fat. Thus not enough, there are numerous other scenes, including rather unappetising as dung heap or allusions to earlier Duke Nukem games. Duke Nukem Forever is so maybe not the hoped-for ego-shooter dream, but has players with so many suggestions like hardly another game. The one or the other Easter egg shows PC games in the following video stream.
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