Beer, liquor and cocktails: Alcohol provides fun for these games

A mafia 2-life without liquor, a mass effect 2 bar without alcoholic cocktails and a the Witcher 2 Geralt without met: Inconceivable! We show you games, in which the alcohol is good form today.
In games, we like to beat on the strands. Be it with gunfights, the lawn or on the subject of alcohol. Many PC game the Witcher 2, mafia 2, GTA 4 offer the possibility to drunk - in many cases even properly as a fun extra! You visited as Niko Bellic in Grand Theft Auto 4 the pub and it is going so good, it revenge at the latest in your car. Here there is no to stay sober in the reality in front of the screen: Wilde of panning and generous default paths of Hauptcharakteres when leaving the bar provide an authentic sense of Trunkenheits.
In role-playing games such as mass effect 2, it is even interesting supporting information from the Sci Fi universe if you who the virtual alcohol consumption. For example, be (caution: spoilers behind the following link) on the mass effect 2-planet Omega in the afterlife Club use, to get a personal revenge campaign of alien barman against people on the go. In many other places, Commander Shepard must consume just as alcohol without directly reveal a scandal. Then the per mille content expressed GTA 4 or even mafia 2 in an uncontrollably crazy playing third-person view, or in a blurred image in the body of the main character similar to. You will learn what games as openly deal with the issue of alcohol and where liquor and co. also heal wounds, in the following picture gallery. This is sorted alphabetically, and of course waiting for your feedback: where you like to spend your virtual (free) time and pour you a drink after the next behind the band? Use the comment function.
Beer, liquor and cocktails: provides for these games to alcohol for fun gallery "beer, liquor and cocktails: in these games, alcohol ensures fun" tags:, panorama, pc games