StarCraft 2: DotA mod custom map appears with the heart of the swarm

There is new to the StarCraft 2 custom map DotA. The release date for the mod is planned according to StarCraft 2 lead producer Chris Sigaty for the same period, in which the wings of liberty successor to appear heart of the swarm.
Along with StarCraft 2: heart of the swarm to the announced custom map DotA appear. During the presentation of StarCraft 2 - heart of the swarm was lead producer Chris Sigaty Blizzard to the release date of the custom map DotA. First, he announced that the developers of the mod have made some significant changes, wanted to further concretize the Sigaty. As a result, he said that the release period which roughly of heart of the swarm, the successor to StarCraft 2 - wings of liberty. After current date, that is no earlier than 2012. If need a DotA fan for the custom map of heart of the swarm, Sigaty did not comment on.
DotA is one of the StarCraft 2-custom maps, Blizzard has announced last year. The mods Starjeweled, expense head and left to die have already appeared. Strategy fans wait inspired custom map only to that of the popular Warcraft 3 mod. The current message to DotA for Starcraft 2 comes from Take also a look at our preview to StarCraft 2: heart of the swarm.
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