Sony: Hacker Group declares total war the Group

Sony is still fully in the visor of the hacker world. Further attacks against the infrastructure of the company have even "Sony's end" to the target to be launched soon.
The one mentioned in the body text term ' Ownage' means the total dominance of the opponent in a computer game. Electronics giant Sony is at the moment we know still busy to eliminate the consequences of hacker attacks on multiple corporate websites and services. But now seems to be that further adversity is likely to threaten the Japanese clear. May was in the previous attacks only a kind of prelude to something much bigger and Schlimmerem.So the Group LulzSec prepares apparently, one equal to operation comprehensive multiple phases against Sony. Goal of this to be exercising total control over the IT of the group, which is why the action also under the name 'Sownage' (made from Sony and the made-up Word Ownage) to run.
LulzSec provided the disclosure of these plans with a blatant and absolutely unequivocal threat: "This will be the beginning of the end for Sony!" Hot air or more? Well, a completely blank slate seems not to be LulzSec: so the hack of the Japanese Sony to go BMG Web page on the account to the group. The acceptance of is definitely confirmed before only a few days, because-angeblich-to critical reporting a transmitter of TV network on Wikileaks.
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