Star Wars: The old Republic - the bounty hunter and its development in the video

Next please: since a few weeks, BioWare provides the various classes of Star Wars: the old Republic before. This time the bounty hunter is lighted up closer, which presents itself as a strong damage class, which can also plug in a lot. You can check out the trailer you with us.
The bounty hunter is feared. If you know want why should you see the latest video of class you. There is eight different classes at the beginning of Star Wars: the old Republic type. To show the differences to the players BioWare some weeks ago each class has begun to pay for a private video. Most recently after the soldier's turn, the bounty hunter now follows on the part of the Empire. Anyone who has seen the films of Star Wars knows that even Jedis certainly have their problems with the bounty hunters are quite feared in the Galaxy. Already at the time of the old Republic, which plays about 3700 years before episode 1, they are considered the group, which itself take the most dangerous jobs and even take care of them. However their enemies will have to develop not weaker, so they gradually improve their own equipment and skills. A first look at the Powertech-or you will receive a mercenary bounty hunter in the two-minute trailer below this message. The video shows above all: even larger opponents should have respect before the class, as the bounty hunter shares out a lot and can plug also sufficient.
Those who opt for the bounty hunter, or another class may affect up to 200 hours of gameplay in Star Wars: the old Republic set. This was announced by Publisher electronic arts a few days ago. While the number of hours only on the story and more to relate, and not to the actual multiplayer part, i.e. dungeons and group quests. Whether this statement is actually true can be at the current time of course still not said. Currently running a closed beta will still grow in the next few weeks. For European players she has not yet begun beta, but this should change in the near future according to BioWare.
Star Wars: the old Republic - the bounty hunter and its development in the video gallery to "Star Wars: the old Republic - the bounty hunter and its development in the video"  would be Star Wars: the old Republic in November? An indication of this is curiously new hardware that Razer has announced the release of online role playing game.