Ken Levin developer irrational games speaks in an interview with Eurogamer over the inspirational source of Bioshock infinite. As he explained in this respect, it is above all Rocksteadys Batman: Arkham asylum, given that many impulses and in certain things have a similar structure such as Bioshock.
In an interview with Eurogamer, Kan Levine from the developer reveals games, irrational that Bioshock infinite strongly of Batman: Arkham asylum was inspired. (4) With Bioshock infinite ventures beyond is irrational high games. The shooter takes place in the Cloud City Columbia and is some parallels according to Kan Levine to Batman: Arkham asylum have. "We were inspired by games like Arkham Asylum very strongly." One of the great things from Arkham asylum is that it has a similar structure such as Bioshock in certain things. But there are also innovations that consist of a different story is built, if you go back through an area. I think that we very much inspired by. "In BioShock 1 we had only respawnende enemies, if you went back through an area."
"If we now someone repeatedly traverse an area, then we want that it otherwise and significantly feels." Still, Levine reveals that was not yet decided whether one must complete various sections in a similar way as in the first Bioshock. So had there sometimes choose to tapes are found, to a level really complete. You read the full interview with Ken Levine on Eurogamer. The latest video with a 14-minute gameplay video for Bioshock infinite can be viewed on PC games.
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