The feeling of the single-player mode ' of battlefield 3 differs from that of the multiplayer part. Battlefield 3 uses the frostbite 2 engine and the so-called ANT animation system, which already was 11 in FIFA. As Lars Gustavsson, lead multiplayer designer at dice, now revealed in an interview, you had to adjust the graphic for the multiplayer part. That there is, for example, no entry and exit animations for vehicles, is already known. "For the multiplayer mode, there are additional animations." When an enemy soldier dies a death of Hollywood in the campaign - only some staggering and stumble before he falls from the balcony - upsets that no further. "In the multiplayer part it must be but a direct link between the action and the reaction", so Gustavsson.
There are therefore different animations in the single and multiplayer mode. "Who are willing to take such differences to create the best gaming experience." "Both modes have different requirements, but at the end, it is very important that both feel like a coherent game." You can find more information about the first-person shooter on our battlefield 3 theme page. You read the original quotations from the battlefield 3 interview on

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