Year 2070: which tests new year before release, apply now and join

You want play anno 2070 long before anyone else? Then you can apply you now so-called focus group test for that. PC games has reserved three seats to the readers. You apply and with a little luck, you are the first tests of anno 2070 with the process.
If you want play other year 2070 before all, then you should log you as quickly as possible for the Fokusgrupentests of the strategy game. The Developer Studio related designs is looking for participants for focus groups testing to anno 2070. wanted people will want to test that in Mainz the still in the development strategy of the game. The events take place on various Saturdays between July and October and take about five to six hours. The focus groups testing aims to give a small round, feedback on the current state of development. Enough time is given according to Ubisoft all testers, to examine the current state of development. The feedback of "Infrequent players" is the developers it just as important as the feedback of the "Annoholics".
Of course, not every application can be taken into account because of the limited places. Who manages however shortlisted will be contacted by related designs to make a suitable appointment. A refund of travel expenses is not possible, however none of the participants with empty hands will go home. The cooperation is sweetened with selected merchandise articles. Also PC games could his readers a total of three seats for the test phase of secure year 2070. Give just in the year 2070 application form to that you will find info about PC games of the action you have. For legal reasons, only those persons can participate. The application period ends on 1 August 2011.