Tropico 4: The PC games sneak peek - play in the strategy game before release

You have the desire to test a game before release? Then takes advantage of the latest PC games sneak peek. We let you try the construction strategy game Tropico 4 together with Publisher Kalypso media.
Thanks to the PC games sneak-peek their Tropico 4 before release you can extensively test and provide feedback to the game. Our next sneak peek contain five selected PC games readers you as a virtual dictator on a tropical island in Tropico 4: try may on 9 July Tropico 4 with us for a day out the building strategy game. If you want to be there, please send an email with your name and age, your most recently played strategy games and your phone number to short-term contact with the subject "Tropico 4 sneak peek" until 7 July 2011, at
Terms and conditions:
Join can any PC games reader with the exception of employees of COMPUTEC MEDIA AG. Minimum age: 18 years. The legal action is excluded. A cash payment of the price is not possible. Registration deadline is Thursday, the 7th July 2011. The notification takes place on the Friday, 8th of July 2011 at the latest. The action itself takes place on Saturday, 9 July, in our editorial rooms in Furth. Meals, as well as support by the editorial staff will of course. Arising travel costs (train or car) will be refunded. If you have ever participated in one of our sneak peeks, we ask you to refrain from a further application.
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