The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - complete gameplay demo from E3 2011-14 minutes HD video

Bethesda has released a brand new gameplay video for the Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. The 14-minute trailer shows you scenes from the upcoming game. There are mammoths, giant dragons, spells, and numerous combat sequences.

The E3 demo to the Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim takes you not only to picturesque forests or a desolate tundra. Dungeons also gets her face. Bethesda shows the Elder Scrolls 5: 2011 Skyrim at E3. And there are already the complete demo as a gameplay video. The trailer is commented by Todd Howard, announces many details of the game. So, he says, for example, that the Dragon in the game are not gescripted. Once you defeat one of the Dragons, it absorbed the Dragon soul and can thus your Dragon shouts improve and expand. One of these so-called shouts changes, for example, the weather.
It starts to rain and the bolts are powerful to your opponent. But how to defeat a flying dragon? You must properly einheitzen them. As soon as they have lost enough life, they can no longer fly and you are welcome to make them do on the ground. As is known from other Bethesda games, can you explore the entire visible area and climb even mountains in the distance. Well enough said. Let us speak the gameplay video. More big game trade fair you will find info 2011 theme page on our E3 here on

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