Duke Nukem Forever - incredible: launch trailer released

Who would have ever thought to watch the launch trailer for Duke Nukem Forever? Probably few, but the release of ego-shooter seems to good to be like nothing in the way. The demo and next week Friday morning the full version, so the plan of the developer.
It is: the release of Duke Nukem Forever is soon approaching. You can see you below the news the launch trailer.
14 Years is a long time, but the Duke survived it. On 10 June, Duke Nukem Forever to finally stand on dealer shelves and future members of the first may play clubs access the demo. Due to the bevorstehehnden and some probably still incredible release of ego-shooter gearbox software has released a launch trailer. The song "Stroke me" by Mickey Avalon you can see many well-known game play scene, but also a few new, from the multi, as well as to the single-player mode. No longer seems so really to stand in the way the release of Duke Nukem Forever. Thus, the long odyssey of mehfachen winner of the vaporware awards ends next week Friday, after the former developer of 3D Realms several times umkrempelte the complete game.
But the first-person shooter is as good in this day and age? According to gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, it is great and the conclusions on the part of the press would be regardless of the team, so the statement by him to the colleagues from Eurogamer.net. The Metacritic would be irrelevant for the sales figures believes Publisher 2 k games, because anyway many players would wait there for the release. By the way, members of the first access clubs get completely free of charge not only the demo earlier, but also the first DLC for the multiplayer mode. But the developers have not revealed yet, what does the DLC. You take a look at the trailer and then makes in our Quickpoll with - we want to know how you like the launch trailer!
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