Since this morning, the demo to Duke Nukem Forever is available exclusively for members of the first access Club. All those who have already checked the scan version through its paces like please respond to our current survey. How is your personal assessment of Dukes latest adventure?
Tell us your opinion on the demo of Duke Nukem Forever? Are you disappointed and have fulfilled your expectations? After 14-years-running latency Duke Nukem Forever is finally on 10 June in the shops. A free demo to the first-person shooter is already available, currently however exclusively for members of the first access Club. To the lucky ones that pre-order of the game, as well as the buyer of the borderlands are game of the year Edition. If you already should have referred the anticipated title, you should necessarily participate in our poll to demo. We want to know which of you, what impression left the Duke with you.
Did the scan version like you or are you about disappointed? No matter how your judgment ultimately precipitated, give off a voice in any case. The comment function uses for extensive reviews. Who wants to know how the PC version as compared to the console conversions beat should lead to our graphics comparison to Duke Nukem Forever to read. On the other hand, you can see the differences between minimum and maximum details in another article. Update # 3: After over 3,500 participants the response of our readers is still positive, provided that they already have the Duke Nukem Forever-demo play. Who can play the demo already thanks to first access key (are over 40% of PC games readers), which is mostly happy to excited, around 15% are absolutely thrilled. Only a small part of the user is frustrated and wants to cancel even the pre-orders. Their number has fallen but with increasing number of participants. You can vote of course more your voice!

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Duke Nukem Forever in the community check: top or flop? New intermediate results of the survey picture gallery to "Duke Nukem Forever in the community check: top or flop? ' "New intermediate results of the survey" you want to know what games come in the next week on the market? PC games provides overview, and explains to about the upcoming releases.
Tell us your opinion on the demo of Duke Nukem Forever? Are you disappointed and have fulfilled your expectations? After 14-years-running latency Duke Nukem Forever is finally on 10 June in the shops. A free demo to the first-person shooter is already available, currently however exclusively for members of the first access Club. To the lucky ones that pre-order of the game, as well as the buyer of the borderlands are game of the year Edition. If you already should have referred the anticipated title, you should necessarily participate in our poll to demo. We want to know which of you, what impression left the Duke with you.
Did the scan version like you or are you about disappointed? No matter how your judgment ultimately precipitated, give off a voice in any case. The comment function uses for extensive reviews. Who wants to know how the PC version as compared to the console conversions beat should lead to our graphics comparison to Duke Nukem Forever to read. On the other hand, you can see the differences between minimum and maximum details in another article. Update # 3: After over 3,500 participants the response of our readers is still positive, provided that they already have the Duke Nukem Forever-demo play. Who can play the demo already thanks to first access key (are over 40% of PC games readers), which is mostly happy to excited, around 15% are absolutely thrilled. Only a small part of the user is frustrated and wants to cancel even the pre-orders. Their number has fallen but with increasing number of participants. You can vote of course more your voice!

Duke Nukem Forever order now from 42.90 € at Amazon
Duke Nukem Forever in the community check: top or flop? New intermediate results of the survey picture gallery to "Duke Nukem Forever in the community check: top or flop? ' "New intermediate results of the survey" you want to know what games come in the next week on the market? PC games provides overview, and explains to about the upcoming releases.