Crysis 2: Nvidia shows first DirectX 11 scenes from the first-person shooter

Crysis 2 will soon receive a DirectX 11 patch and thus radiate even healthier look. At Computex 2011, NVIDIA was first scenes from Crysis 2 DX11 mode.
When the DirectX 11 patch for Crysis 2 will appear eventually, is still unclear. The NVIDIA graphics cards specialist showed scenes from the DX11 mode of Crysis 2 Forum on the innovations 2011 for the first time. He is to be supplied via patch. An exact date is still unknown. Also, the Senior Vice President, professional solutions group as well as corporate and strategic marketing wanted to comment on the presentation not. Crytek themselves said recently that the patch in the near future appear and will cause no additional costs for the player.
According to information of PC games hardware, Tessellations, as well as NVIDIA's Wasserdarstellungs technology will be used in the DX11 patch for Crysis 2. A depth of field effect is planned. In conversation with colleagues, Nividia man stressed that he never considers PC games for a dying species. Crysis 2 with DirectX 11 support was the game that he currently most am.
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