Call of Juarez: Published the cartel - new screenshots and details about the co-op

Publisher Ubisoft has today in addition to first details on the multiplayer mode of call of Juarez: the cartel also fresh screenshots for the upcoming shooter published. The main focus is here placed on the co-op, by Ubisoft coopetition.
In addition to new screenshots, Ubisoft has now further details on the multiplayer modes for the next shooter call of Juarez: published the cartel. (3) As it were with the publication of new pictures Publisher Ubisoft has now further information to the next shooter call of Juarez multiplayer mode: the cartel announced. Significantly, in particular the co-op stands out, simply referred to as coopetition mode by Ubisoft. While attempting to generate a combination of cooperation and competition, which provides the players with the players at the same time a cooperative game, but also a competition. To ensure a smooth running, the story mode for up to three players was equipped with a flexible Drop-In/drop-out system.
In addition to the multiplayer mode, there will be two pure multiplayer modes. So criminals against police officers are to, for example, in the mission mode, and each games has to meet different objectives. The second pure multiplayer mode, however, represented by classic team deathmatch, which primarily maintains its focus on teamwork between the players. Call of Juarez: The cartel will be published in the summer of this year. An unofficial release date already dated the release of the title within the United States on the 28 June.
Call of Juarez: The cartel order now from 49,95 € at Amazon
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