New rumors about a sequel to the end time shooter Borderlands: A Fallows journalist wants to have experienced during the Electronic Entertainment Expo of Randy Pitchford personally, that this will certainly come.
Probably, gearbox had in the past 2 years simply no time to take care of a descendant of the borderlands. 2009, the Studio was committed namely on the things of Duke Nukem Forever. (7) Actually, it's almost been something like a miracle, or at least a violation of the applicable laws of the market, that still no successor to the surprise blockbuster Borderlands was announced. Although always corresponding rumors circulating, officially nothing was confirmed by Developer gearbox so far however. Now, an employee of the actually quite prestigious website ScrewAttack wants to have know that Borderlands 2 is definitely in the take. Studio founder Randy Pitchford is "unintentionally out gerutscht", apparently during a meeting at E3 in Los Angeles this information.
Lie, truth or simple Busybodying? We do not know it in this case again once. As mentioned however already implementing, 2 only over logically would a borderlands. The, original published about 2 years, could sell so far about 4 million copies, a very impressive figure for a completely new franchise.
Borderlands 2: development of allegedly by Randy Pitchford BestatigtBildergalerie to "Borderlands 2: development of allegedly by Randy Pitchford confirmed"
Probably, gearbox had in the past 2 years simply no time to take care of a descendant of the borderlands. 2009, the Studio was committed namely on the things of Duke Nukem Forever. (7) Actually, it's almost been something like a miracle, or at least a violation of the applicable laws of the market, that still no successor to the surprise blockbuster Borderlands was announced. Although always corresponding rumors circulating, officially nothing was confirmed by Developer gearbox so far however. Now, an employee of the actually quite prestigious website ScrewAttack wants to have know that Borderlands 2 is definitely in the take. Studio founder Randy Pitchford is "unintentionally out gerutscht", apparently during a meeting at E3 in Los Angeles this information.
Lie, truth or simple Busybodying? We do not know it in this case again once. As mentioned however already implementing, 2 only over logically would a borderlands. The, original published about 2 years, could sell so far about 4 million copies, a very impressive figure for a completely new franchise.
Borderlands 2: development of allegedly by Randy Pitchford BestatigtBildergalerie to "Borderlands 2: development of allegedly by Randy Pitchford confirmed"