Battlefield 3: single-player play is probably at around six to ten hours

In a video interview from the E3 2011 DICE betrayed news to battlefield 3. On the question of how single-player season brings many hours of first-person shooter, said CEO Patrick Soderlund, that it can be between six to ten hours.
DICE replied to the question on the battlefield 3 single-player play. At E3 2011, DICE CEO Patrick Soderlund has maintained with the of battlefield 3 PC-Games Web site. After the conversation turned to various topics related to the first-person shooter, the editor of the website asked how many hours of single player play the battlefield can expect 3-Player. Soderlunds response: "I have no specific number because the game is not yet finished."For me, it six, seven, eight, or up to ten hours. The most important thing for me is that the game has an experience for the customer, with which we can be happy. "Decides that, as 'long play' takes."
The video interview can you you see in the following stream. Battlefield 3 appears on the 27 October 2011 in Germany for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In addition to a multiplayer DICE plans for the continuation of the original battlefield series for the first time with a real campaign, which plays in New York, Tehran and Paris. As it stands thanks to the new frostbite engine 2 with DirectX 11 and 64-bit support in the capital of Paris, including our gameplay video for battlefield 3 tells you.
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