Battlefield 3: The multiplayer mode in the practice test - on E3 2011 hand created

We were able to again play the multiplayer mode of battlefield 3 at E3 2011. And it feels really good. We introduce you to the classes of battlefield 3, provide information to the upgrades, and tell you how to play the game. A first of all: who liked bad company 2, will love battlefield 3.
We were allowed to play 2011 again operation Metro level at E3, which already has shown you electronic arts via trailer. We were able to put 2011 hand at E3 for the second time in the multiplayer mode of battlefield 3. But before it went to the mice and Tastaturn, an EA employee, by any means told us one against the competition named call of duty: modern warfare 3 wants to enforce. Since the animations were on one to name a few. Thanks to the new system, the soldiers are now more realistic than ever. And we can confirm: this looks really impressive. Size & scale, two tags that you want to also score. Accordingly, the Kraten fall from powerful big. Fought is with everything that will bear the Arsenald. And also in the audio field, you have the nose at the far front. We believe: that was indeed has always been the strength of the battlefield series. In the multiplayer mode of battlefield 3, there will be multiple modes.
Us showing the map operation Metro in Rush mode. The Russians occupy Paris, the Americans have to fight to the front of four sections. As already in battlefield: bad company 2 opens an area as soon as two mission statement are gesprecngt. So we fight us first through an idyllic Parisian suburban area with parks and trees, then it is in the Metro, so underground, where in a very tight space and many very well to defending corridors is hard fought. Then we will back to the surface between narrow canyons.
Four classes:
-Assault: Soldier who draws with assault rifles in the fight, has surprisingly but also a defibrillator here to make friends again on its feet. He practically replaced the Medic from bad company 2.
-Eng.: The typical tank-Buster class with anti-tank missiles and Reperaturwerkzeug.
-Recon: Similar in bad company 2. The Recon uses sniper rifle and his comrades providing important information on the battlefield.
-Support: This class accesses to light machine guns and ammunition distributed. New and well staged: This fighter can make his rifle lying down on a tripod and give to barrage. This increases not only its accuracy, the barrage affected the mobility of the enemies in the fire, even if the supporter not actually hits it.Awesome to defend bottlenecks!
Battlefield 3 will again be plenty of upgrades. Each weapon for example has three change options, such as a detachable flashlight. You like get experience points in the predecessor, desired operations and team play.
It is already known that there is now again jets in the game. Otherwise, it will just swarm before vehicles. In our mission, we could use "only" a light vehicle. New: Regenerate damaged vehicles, if they are for a while in security armor. However, is a vehicle is damaged beyond a certain point, it is immobile, but can be repaired even by the engineer. In addition, some vehicles have a thermal view now, to discover hidden protect.
As already in bad company 2, you can by Messerkills which collect so-called dog tags. Which are now can in battlefield 3, can be provided with your own images or slogans. Tags get dog now but only, if you meuchelt the enemy from behind. Then there's a cool new animation, but long lasting.
It does that:
Most likely we can describe the multiple player part such as a bad company 2.5: it is very similar to, has some nice new features in the luggage and brutal good looks. Also the sound completely ripped us off the feet. Otherwise everything is as usual. There are 4-man squads (spawning the colleague is once again possible), team play is extremely important, the shooting feeling is brilliant and realistic. All classes sindgut balanced and carry out important tasks. We have nowhere to discover a commander mode desired by many. The show that we have been playing was class designed with a large piece, many bottlenecks and great opportunities. The control was typical of the series used, knowing the predecessor, knows what to do immediately. The extremely realistic combat feeling was particularly impressive: If the salvos of Hetherington in the cover genies and echoes the staccato of gunfire by the canyons, then this is pure atmosphere.
Learn more information about the multiplayer mode of battlefield 3 in our Hands-On test from Stockholm.
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playful above all doubt
I would have been hours since can sit and play battlefield 3. The shooter feels not only fantastic, he plays too! The print is bombastic, modern warfare 3 loose inside the bag and the sound background with a light machine gun firing lets dance my eardrums. A little, I regret it but that the multiplayer mode of battlefield 3 feels more like a bad company 2.5. The changes and new features are only at second glance. What can be also because that the developers to hold something in announcements of details. Addictive, always makes battlefield 3 and is above all doubt already now playful.