Battlefield 3 against modern warfare 3: The war begins - EA and Activision in a struggle - video

The duel between battlefield 3 and call of duty: Modern warfare 3 not only at the box office held, but now - with verbal shots. Activision CEO Robert "Bobby" Kotick criticized battlefield 3, EA CEO John Riccitiello shoots back sharply and announces a "clash of the Titans".
It is clear: end of the year are the two first-person shooter battlefield 3 (EA) and call of duty: modern warfare 3 (Activision) against each other on. Then, among other things the questions be resolved which has the better game play action game, which brings most or better game modes with and which title has the better graphics. To the latter the head of electronic has reported recently arts, John Riccitiello, compared to the English-language news service of Reuters to Word. Therefore Activision CEO Bobby Kotick on some should prepare themselves with regard to the scenes shown at the E3 press conference of battlefield 3: "If Bobby thinks already PC recording would have been this, then he has a real problem."
According to John Riccitiello, consoles material from battlefield 3 was already presented at the press conference in Los Angeles. Background: Bobby Kotick had claimed in US television, the developer dice showed only PC scenes from his first-person shooter. As a result, the title as a pure-bred PC shooter is to view. "I saw battlefield 3 only on the PC." "Since most of our clients on console play, I can so far so not objectively comment", as Kotick. Anyway. John Riccitiello performs further that we can look forward in each case, a "clash of the Titans". The complete interview with John Riccitiello it reached on the text link. Who wants to learn Electronic Arts on the first-person shooter from the House, is the our extensive E3 preview of battlefield 3 to recommend, where we take the multiplayer mode under microscope. Also trailer of call of duty series come with us not too short. A new YouTube video to modern warfare 3 the spec shows OPS survival mode for the first time on the move - even in the gefilmter form. What think ye what game in the favour of the buyer will have the nose front? Polls in the Quickpoll!
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