StarCraft 2: Heart of the swarm alluded - preview and gameplay videos for Blizzard's brand new Zerg campaign

An end to the speculation: with heart of the swarm, Blizzard unveiled the next chapter of the epic StarCraft 2 saga! PC games was on site at the developers for you to take a first look at the expansion. So we played on the new Zerg campaign, tried out the fresh RPG elements and led to interviews with the developers over an hour. First information is available in our large preview!
StarCraft 2: Heart of the swarm comes and PC games was on site at Blizzard, to specifically look at the second part of the trilogy. StarCraft 2 appears as epic sci fi trilogy - has long been known. But why is this really so? Blizzard wants to draw only about as much coal from the brand and dehalb splits the game into three chapters? If I may: No! The developers want to have only more time available, to tell the story as exciting and varied as possible. The excellent game wings of liberty started with the Terraner campaign, while the Zerg and protoss campaigns only add-ons are supplied with two. Heart of the swarm the first of these two extensions is at now - it continues the story of the Zerg Queen Kerrigan and new game mechanics, additional units and advanced features of multi player offers a fresh campaign with many cut scenes. A round package so that appears at the usual price of Blizzard-Add-ons.
To visit at Blizzard Entertainment
PC games is one of the world's first magazines that mid-May were allowed to travel California to Irvine, one at Blizzard headquarters there to take first look at the heart of the swarm. During our visit to the Studio we could chat with the developers, but were allowed to play strategy expansion also own this! In this article, you'll get a good overview on all new features and content. We provide you more details then in the next bulletin issue 07 / 2011 by PC games, including extensive interviews, additional images and a detailed scan report.
The teaser trailer for Starcraft 2: Heart of the swarm shows Kerrigan back in human form.
StarCraft 2: Heart of the swarm - the second part of the TrilogieStarcraft 2: heart of the swarm - story, companion and DialogeStarcraft 2: heart of the swarm - the evolution of the EinheitenStarcraft 2: heart of the swarm - RPG elements, battle FocusStarcraft 2: heart of the swarm - scope, campaign, example mission 1Starcraft 2: heart of the swarm - example mission 2Starcraft 2: heart of the swarm - battle.NET multiplayer, Graphics, editor, date and mehrBildergalerie to "Starcraft 2: Heart of the swarm alluded - preview and gameplay videos for Blizzard's brand new Zerg campaign"