Saturn-charts: The Witcher 2 claims top spot, more fable 3

The current Saturn charts are there. The Witcher 2 claimed the leading position in the second week after his release continue. Then there are a few changes. The Microsoft role-playing game fable 3 increases to after a weak start, the competition is however not dangerous.
1St place: the Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings claimed the top position in the Saturn charts. The role-playing game the Witcher 2 is also in the second week after the release in the Saturn charts at the top. After a brilliant start last week, the developer of CD project claim red and Publisher Namco Bandai the place in the Sun - at least in the charts of the electronic trade market. Then, there are no changes to place 5 of the charts. Here the first-person shooter brink, Portal 2, Crysis 2 - share Edition and call of duty is limited: black ops unchanged the following sites. Ranked 6 climbs the Microsoft role-playing game fable 3, which was last week on the 14th.
As it stands on the other places of the current Saturn charts, you reveals the following picture gallery in ascending order. What games have you treated you in the last week? On what games rejoice you soon? Use the comment form!
Saturn charts: the Witcher 2 claims top spot, Fable 3 StarkerBildergalerie to "Saturn charts: the Witcher 2 leading position that fable 3 more" tags:, charts, pc games