Call of duty: Modern warfare 3 - trailer throws horror in British terror victims

In the United Kingdom solves the recently published call of duty: modern warfare 3 trailer from a wave of outrage. Supporters of the victims of the London terror attacks in 2005 call for a ban on shooter's next Activision.
Scenes from the trailer for call of duty: modern warfare 3 provide for a storm of indignation in the UK. Example: Destruction in the London underground. Call of duty: Modern warfare 3 appears in the November 2011 - with much bad luck (for Activision and the CoD fans) but not in the UK and in the United Kingdom. Because the first gameplay trailer to the upcoming Infinity Ward-shooter shows scenes in London, that too much to remind British terror victims and their relatives of the attacks of 7 July 2005. The British newspaper the daily mail writes on the website: "In the later that year an ultra-violent video game to appear, showing explosions and scenes of devastation in the London underground, as well as the houses of Parliament." "Supporters of terror victims demand that call of duty: modern warfare 3 is prohibited."
Further, it says "52 people died in the suicide attacks on July 7.", for In addition to the mentioned scenes in the UK shows the call of duty: modern warfare 3 trailer also images from the virtual Germany, France and the United States.
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