Call of duty: Black ops - update prepared the first-person shooter mod tools for

Call of duty: Black ops gets the current update in addition to various improvements also provide mod support. The steam website is called in the current patch notes a pending release of the modding tools for the current Activision shooter.
Call of duty: Mods can soon use OPS players. The current update prepares the shooter for the release of the mod tools. Call of duty: probably own weapons, soon thanks to mod tools own maps, scenarios can make for the struggle for survival and more black ops players. The tools will be published shortly. The patch notes for the latest updates for the Activision shooter allow for such a conclusion. In the first paragraph it says directly: "added support for mods in preparation for the upcoming tools release." In addition to this important and long-awaited point, the black steam website called OPS various other bug fixes such as a better server filter for the DLC. Also performance-side black to better run OPS. Treyarch, optimized the memory utilization.
If you are interested in the other bug fixes and changes, should a look at the patch notes for the CoD: black ops-patch throw. By the way: Since a few days, it is clear what call of duty part we can expect this year. Who wants to read all of our previous messages and specials to, jump most directly on our call of duty: modern warfare 3 Web page on
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