Crysis 2 and other graphic songs on full details: purchase advice for current graphics cards

Whether first-person shooter Crysis 2 or home front strategy a la Shogun 2 or racing game action with shift 2 unleashed: only with a good graphics card, the full splendour of graphics can be enjoy. In the purchase advice, you will find good gaming video cards at fair prices.

On in the next graphic war - but only with a good graphics card!With Crysis 2 a first-person shooter is published again, pretty brings the graphics card to the sweating. If you want to exchange your old graphics processor to enjoy the latest games on full details, anyway we recommend our current purchase advice. Here, we introduce you some current graphics cards and five recommend of between 130 and 280 euro as best buy. Starting with cards, which are sufficient for new Grafikkracher to higher details currently are to models, which also still more easily cope with the most demanding titles. Also for you, the appropriate video card is certainly about to experience their current or upcoming also favorite game in beautiful graphic. Also find a current overview of the market with many different models on!
Sapphire HD 6870Der video card market is especially interesting in a segment between 150 and 200 euros currently. Here is some very good graphics cards with graphics chips that cost still well above 200 euro recently Bale. Correct "high end" cards, one can confidently recommend, not however, there is at present. We you currently six graphics chips suggest that be really worth and in terms of performance and price are not misleading, because: double so expensive, it is by far not twice as much! As a processor they should have currently a modern Vierkerner (quad), also fully to exploit the following video cards.
Small note on the edge: the current models of the big chip manufacturers AMD and NVIDIA have integrated all also an audio chip. You can therefore transfer also the sound via HDMI - this is useful if you want to run your PC on an AV receiver, or if you want to connect your LCD TV to the PC and use the boxes for example for a movie.