Call of duty, WoW and Red dead redemption help traumatized soldiers

Soldiers who play video games, suffer less from the effects of real experiences. Titles such as call of duty, world of Warcraft or red redemption are especially high for the victims in the course. This is the result of a new study of the Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada.
Games like call of duty: black OPS (in the picture), world of Warcraft or red dead redemption help traumatized soldiers. A new study of the Grant MacEwan University Edmonton (Canada) certified games a healing effect. Based on a survey of 98 military members who were in the war, there was a significant decrease of violence containing, associated with the feeling of helplessness dreams. Jayne Gackenbach from the Canadian College just chose your participants. Soldiers with previously diagnosed mental disorders (such as post-traumatic stress disorder) could not attend.
Survey participants were each long bets in active war zones behind it, which dragged on their nerves. The test group was divided into two groups: much gambling and playing little volunteers. The first group of titles such as call of duty, world prevailing Warcraft or red dead redemption. The soldiers reported that their night nightmares were less intense. You have felt to fight more often. The opposite picture showed for the second test group. Gackenbach has the theory that playing is a way to train the brain for intensive and dangerous situations.