Call of duty 8: Raven Software's job search reveals participation in the next CoD

Raven Software confirmed a participation in the call of duty brand by a new employment. Which may be modern warfare 3 denominated make the shooter series would be for this in question since the singularity makers so far participated in no CoD.
A job offer from Raven Software confirms participation in call of duty 8 - perhaps modern warfare 3. According to previous rumors, the singularity makers work on the multiplayer mode. Raven software is working on a next call of duty part. This confirmation comes a new vacancy at the singularity-maker. The text in the German form: "Raven software, developer of several award-winning games, including the participation in the blockbuster series call of duty, seeking passionate graphic designer to join the established team to work on a first-person shooter."
So far only Infinity Ward and Treyarch is working on the seven parts of the call of duty series. Raven software mentioned in the job offer do not explicitly call of duty 8, which could presumably be modern warfare 3. So far, there has been only unconfirmed rumors of Developer Studio on the Activision brand participation. As we reported in January, that Raven software in the multiplayer mode of call of duty: modern warfare 3 is involved in. Subject to the development of the campaign according to our message of Infinity Ward and sledgehammer games.
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